It's just too darn hot!!!!! But not where we dance - the air conditioning is just brilliant and we never want to leave to go home !!!
We have two lovely classes now and a such a friendly and happy group. It is a bit tricky to park there but most, including us, park in Biosfera and walk down the steps by the side of the Drunken Monkey Bar.
We are planning our big presentation event to match with Strictly Come Dancing starting and hopefully that will be in October. Our lovely learners are going to be showing you what they've learnt - just watch this space!!
Graham and I are off to the UK to a dance holilday in November - dancing in the fabulous ballroom to live music along with dancers from all over the UK - dressing up for a change in our best frocks (well not Graham) and shopping till we drop!! .
We are always about to answer questions, so don't put off calling - if you aren't sure you can always come and have a look to see if it's for you.
Not much other news as it's mostly about hiding in the air conditioning or the sea or the pool! - Till next time...........................................